
[Podcast] James Sale on Transitioning from 1-1 to Leveraged Business

[Podcast] James Sale on Transitioning from 1-1 to Leveraged Business


More Clients Podcast

[Podcast] James Sale on Transitioning from 1-1 to Leveraged Business

Today's podcast is the first of a two part interview with motivation expert James Sale.

In this episode James talks about how he made the shift in his business from 1-1 work directly with clients to creating products and licensing his methodology to other consultants and trainers who now carry out the client work for him.

He talks about the need to professionalise your products when focusing on corporates, and how to make the critical mental switch from doing client work you love to creating products and managing others.

If you're considering moving to a more leveraged business model, James has some great nuggets of wisdom to share that will help you make faster progress and avoid the pitfalls.

You can listen to Part 2 of my interview with James where we shift gears and talk about his topic of expertise: motivation, and how we can use an understanding of what makes our clients tick to market and sell better here.

You can find out more about James and his work on motivation here:

Motivational Maps and James Sale

His new book Mapping Motivation is due to be released by Gower on Jan 28th, you can pre-order it here.

Mapping Motivation (UK) and Mapping Motivation (US)

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Ian Brodie

Ian Brodie

Ian Brodie is the best-selling author of Email Persuasion and the creator of Unsnooze Your Inbox - *the* guide to crafting engaging emails and newsletters that captivate your audience, build authority and generate more sales.

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