
Project 10K. Look Behind The Scenes At How I’m Growing My Business.


Ian Brodie

Ian Brodie

Ian Brodie is the best-selling author of Email Persuasion and the creator of Unsnooze Your Inbox - *the* guide to crafting engaging emails and newsletters that captivate your audience, build authority and generate more sales.


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Project 10K. Look Behind The Scenes At How I’m Growing My Business.

Project 10KOK – this is a little bit scary. I'm going to make a very public commitment and then regularly report on my progress.

If you get my Insider Strategy emails (and if you don't, you should, they're the absolute favourite thing I do, click here to sign up) you'll know my focus for this year is on three things:

  • Simplifying my business – in terms of types of clients, products and services and marketing approaches I use
  • Speeding up how I do business
  • Getting more scale

Of all three, the biggie is going to be scale.

Pretty much everything I do these days is scalable. I market through content on my blog, my emails and a tad of social media. And more and more of my clients are buying online courses from me rather than live training.

So for me, I can serve two or three times as many clients without a whole lot more time and cost. That's a scalable business.

And when I look at where my customers and clients come from, over 70% are subscribers to my emails. The basic pattern is that people find my website, they like what they see so they sign up for regular emails. Over time they get value from my emails and come to trust me. Then they buy stuff from me.

So simply put, more email subscribers = more business.

And that's where Project 10K comes in.

My goal is to have 10,000 or more email subscribers by the end of 2013.

Currently I have about 4,600 built up over the last 3 or 4 years. So 10K is a big stretch.

To make it even more challenging, I'm aiming for 10K of active subscribers. People who regularly open my emails, click the links in them, etc.

Right now I believe that out of my 4,600 subscribers between 2,500 – 3,000 are active. the others joined but over time their priorities moved elsewhere but they didn't bother unsubscribing.

So in the next 10 months or so I need to get an additional 7,000 – 7,500 subscribers.

That's my public commitment: 10K subscribers by midnight on 31st December 2013.

I'll be reporting on my progress monthly.

But more usefully for you, I'll be drawing back the curtain and reporting back on exactly what's working and what's not working to drive up subscriber numbers for me.

I'll be trying out various new ways of generating traffic, getting higher optin rates and retaining subscribers better. And I'll be sharing the details of what happens so you can use the same techniques in your own business.

My first step is going to be to analyse my current best sources of new subscribers and to create a plan for how I'm going to get more. I'll be posting it up next week.

See you then.

….by the way – what's your big commitment for 2013? Tell us about it in the comment box.

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Ian Brodie

Ian Brodie

Ian Brodie is the best-selling author of Email Persuasion and the creator of Unsnooze Your Inbox - *the* guide to crafting engaging emails and newsletters that captivate your audience, build authority and generate more sales.

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