More Clients TV
Use The “Non-Celebrity Celebrity Showcase” To Quickly Build Visibility And Credibility
Posted on 24th November 2015.
Excuse the weird title :)
If you didn't watch last week's 5 minute marketing tip on the Celebrity Showcase then the title won't make much sense. But the video is basically an approach to using Linkedin and Facebook Groups and Forums to quickly build visibility and credibility – but not in the way most people recommend.
The standard advice for a number of years on using Linkedin Groups or Facebook Groups or Forums on websites has been to become a valued contributor and to paste links to your blog posts and free reports to get people to your site and to sign up for your emails.
That approach just doesn't work any more.
Forums and groups are becoming bogged down in links to external resources that take people away from the group. So much so that many owners of the most vibrant groups don't allow promotional links like these because they take people away from the group and so kill off discussions if you get too many (and once one person leaves a link to their blog post or free report, everyone starts leaving links to their blog posts and free reports).
Instead, I recommend you use a variant of the Celebrity Showcase method to make your expertise visible to your potential clients in the group, but in a way that adds value to them and the group as a whole.
I explain how in this week's video…
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