
Ian Brodie

Ian Brodie is the best-selling author of Email Persuasion and creator of Unsnooze Your Inbox - *the* guide to crafting engaging emails and newsletters that captivate your audience, build authority and generate more sales.


More Clients Podcast

How To Use Website Analytics To Get More Sales And Grow Your Business

Posted on 11th September 2014.

When it comes to websites and online marketing, analytics is probably the last great unexplored frontier.

Most people have a fair idea about their website and they know they should be using email marketing and doing stuff on social media. But when it comes to analytics, few people get much further than glancing at basic Google Analytics data every now and then.

The truth is though that there's a wealth of information available about what your website visitors and potential clients are doing on your site. And if you use it right, you can get tremendous insights from that information and use it to improve your site and your offers and get a whole load more clients and sales.

On this podcast I talk to Dr David Darmanin, the CEO and Founder of – a new startup that's created a combined analytics tool now in beta test.

David shares details of how to use tools like heatmaps, visitor playback, funnel analysis, surveys and feedback polls to get insight on your web visitors to drive improvements in your conversions and sales.

And he lays out a simple process for systematically improving your site (rather than the haphazard “copy what some other people are doing” strategy that most people use).

Click here to listen to the interview »