How To Get Corporate Clients: The Ultimate Guide
Selling to Corporates: the Best Approaches for Enrolling Clients

Selling to Corporates: the Best Approaches for Enrolling Clients
High Value Briefings to win Corporate Clients

Those insights could be the result of a research project - or they could simply be based on your accumulated expertise or an exercise to capture learnings from client projects.
As long has you have valuable information and ideas to share with potential clients, a high value briefing is a great way of getting deeper engagement, building your credibility, and beginning to talk about potential opportunities for working together.
High value briefings work best early on in the buying process of corporate clients while they're still discovering and learning about their problems and goals or beginning to look at potential solutions. In this phase they're open to hearing new and useful ideas. They allow you to get face to face (live or virtually) with potential clients who wouldn't otherwise consider a meeting with a supplier.
The primary goal of a high value briefing is to give them tremendous value and in the process to strengthen credibility and trust. But very often the insights you share lead to reach from potential clients to ask about how you might be able to help them in those areas.
You can then either discuss those opportunities immediately, or arrange to come back for a follow up meeting focused on talking about working together.
As with a research project, the topics for high value briefings that corporate clients are most likely to be interested in are:
The structure of a high value briefing is in four phases:
Traditional Sales Meetings to win Corporate Clients

According to the Conference Executive Board in 2018, the average number of customer stakeholders involved in a business to business purchasing decision was 6.8.
You don't necessarily need to meet or get all those stakeholder on side. But you do need to persuade the key influencers in the decision.
So a crucial part of your sales meetings is not only talking to the person in front of you about their perspective on the issue, it's finding out from them about who else is involved in the decision and how the decision making process works.
This is why partnering with your potential clients to help them solve an important problem for them rather selling at them is so crucial. And it's why the time you spend in the follow up phase building your relationship and generating trust by adding value is so important too.
If they're strongly motivated to solve their problem and they see you as a key ally who has their best interests at heart they'll share details about the decision making process and help you navigate through it. If they see you as just a salesperson trying to get them to buy from you they won't.
Formal Tenders and Requests for Proposals

Winning Formal Tenders and Requests for Proposals
Once you've focused on a "winnable" project, your next job is to make sure you don't get screened out.

Next step
Resources for Winning Corporate Clients

A guide to the best books and other resources for understanding and mastering the art of winning corporate clients.
Learn more about Resources for Winning Corporate Clients