Disclosure Policy
On this site I write articles and produce audio and video content about marketing and business development for consultants, coaches and other professionals. The material (unless marked as guest posts) is my original work – although they may have been inspired by the writing of, or discussions with others. Where this is the case it will be clearly stated.
I rarely review or endorse products. Where I do so I will have used (or read/watched in the case of a book or training course) the product myself and will be speaking from experience. I may provide a link to books or other products (e.g. on Amazon) via an affiliate link where I will get a commission. Whether I receive a commission or not, my review will not be biased in any way by any commission I might make. My reputation is too important to me.
I maintain a list of the products I currently use and recommend here.
I am occasionally provided with free copies of books to review. This does not guarantee a positive review. In fact it doesn't even guarantee a review: I have many books currently in my in-tray waiting to be reviewed and it probably won't happen anytime soon.
At the moment I don't accept advertisements on the site and have no plans to do so. And I will certainly never accept those “disguised text link” adverts so please don't contact me to ask about them. If I do place any adverts on the site they will be clearly marked as such.
Sometimes I will promote the training courses of other authors, consultants or trainers who I recommend and occasionally I will be provided with a commission if purchases of their courses are made. If this is the case I will clearly identify when I have been offered a commission. As with books and products I only recommend courses I have taken myself or have reviewed but advise all potential buyers to do their own due diligence too.
Finally, occasionally kind people just send me gifts. I fully encourage this, chocolate is good!
If you have any questions or concerns with this policy, please don’t hesitate to contact me via my contact form. I’d be happy to talk about any concerns you might have.
Ian Brodie
https://www.ianbrodie.comIan Brodie is the best-selling author of Email Persuasion and the creator of Unsnooze Your Inbox - *the* guide to crafting engaging emails and newsletters that captivate your audience, build authority and generate more sales.