Ian Brodie

Ian Brodie

Ian Brodie is the best-selling author of Email Persuasion and the creator of Unsnooze Your Inbox - *the* guide to crafting engaging emails and newsletters that captivate your audience, build authority and generate more sales.


Email Breakdown: “The Robots are Here” from Copyblogger 22nd February 2023

Groundhog day 22nd February 2023

Contact Me

Contact Ian Brodie

Thanks for your interest in contacting me - I really do appreciate it.

The most important work I do is with my clients, and in creating and publishing new ideas and methods to help you attract and win more business. I try to focus most of my time on those activities so I'm not always easy to contact.

If you're a client or Momentum Club member, you have my personal email address and it's best to get through to me that way, or via the Momentum Club private Facebook group or website chat - I'll get back to you ASAP.
If you're interested in any of my products, you can find out more here, and you can ask questions via the chat box on the website. I usually reply pretty quickly.

If you're not a client but would like to ask about my products or have an opportunity you think I might find interesting, then please click the button below to open up a chat window to talk to me.

That could be if you'd like me to appear on a podcast, speak at an event or summit or contribute to a project somehow. I review those requests periodically and I'll get back to you if it's something I'd like to follow-up on. But please don't expect a quick response – or even a response at all if it's not something I'd like to pursue.

And if your request is about advertising on my site or sponsoring a post - I can tell you up front, that's not something I do. I'm also not accepting guest blog posts right now.

    Ian Brodie

    Ian Brodie

    Ian Brodie is the best-selling author of Email Persuasion and the creator of Unsnooze Your Inbox - *the* guide to crafting engaging emails and newsletters that captivate your audience, build authority and generate more sales.
