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The opposite of timeshare sales
Posted on 28th March 2021.The “always be closing” school of thought in sales is much derided these days.
The world has realised that for most significant sales you need to build credibility and trust before someone will be ready to buy. Or at minimum, if you push too hard before the time is right you'll lose someone who could become a great client later.
But the opposite approach of feeling you need to spend weeks or months nurturing a relationship before you ever offer anything for sale is equally wrong too.
The reality is somewhere in the middle.
For any given product or service, the majority of people won't be ready to buy straight away.
But some will. And they're incredibly valuable to you.
So are the larger number of people who might buy later.
So your challenge is to make sure the people who're ready to buy straight away (or after a week or a few weeks) do. But in the process you don't repel the people who aren't ready yet. And ideally, you strengthen your relationship with them
There are a bunch of ways to do this, but the simplest is to give something of value first, then offer the next (paid) step.
In essence, you're saying “here's something great. By the way, would you also like this amazing thing that complements it and helps you get results faster?”
(It's the opposite of those awful timeshare sales people who offer you a carriage clock but won't give it to you until after you've sat through their 3 hour presentation. Here you give them the goodies first, then ask if they'd be interested in your paid thing. Not the other way round).
If people sign up for your free report, you can tell them it'll be in their inbox shortly and ask if they'd like your video training course that gets them going and gets results fast.
Nobody (or hardly anybody) is going to object to that.
If you do a free video with 5 tips on something, at the end you can tell them about your paid product where you do everything for them to get them the results they're looking for.
Nobody (or hardly anybody) is going to object to that.
As long as you give value first and you offer something relevant without being super pushy about it, you'll get sales from people who are ready now, and you won't lose the people who aren't ready yet.
Win win :)